With Us

Corporate Partnerships

Community business and corporate leaders in both traditional and cutting edge technologies know that a trained workforce is the key for a stronger community and corporate environment for tomorrow.
The child that loves learning and science today may be your community and corporate superstar of tomorrow.
Our corporate sponsors are our partners in progress in science education. Any existing education institution currently obtaining corporate funding may direct those funds to science education provided by Little to Great Scientists®.
We will, as requested, work with our education partners to facilitate the funding process and provide acknowledgement through our website and other promotional materials.
International Licensee Program
Little to Great Scientists® is your passport to business success in the field of science education.
As Little to Great Scientists® seeks to expand its footprint around our globe, we do so in the confident knowledge that our proven field-tested hands-on age appropriate science programs are just what the doctor ordered in a competitive world for tomorrow’s leaders in science and technology. We are looking for prospective partners and licensees who want to join us in this enterprise. We understand that you want high quality products and deliverable results in learning. We offer dynamic learning modules that have been field tested for a generation.
Please fill out our licensee evaluation form if you are interested in becoming a licensee and email it to
Get In Touch.