
What is Reflection of Light?
$225Students learn that light absorption and reflection allow us to see the color of objects.
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What are Actions & Reactions?
$225Students will learn the relationship between actions and reactions.
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How do we Adapt to Sight?
$225Students will explore how different animals have adapted to respond to light.
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What are Adaptations of Appendages?
$225Students will explore how hands and feet are adapted to different needs and environments.
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What is Affinity Purification?
$225Students will learn how different processes can be used to separate mixtures.
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What is Air?
$225Students will learn that air is a gas.
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Are Bubbles Made of Air?
$225Students learn that bubbles contain air, and that by moving air, bubbles will move.
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What are Electromagnets?
$225Students learn about the relationship between electricity and magnetism.
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What are Leaves?
$225Students learn that leaves can have many different shapes and sizes.
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What is Nature?
$225Students learn to understand nature observations.
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What Makes Plants Live?
$225Students will learn the main parts of a plant and the role each plays in the plantメs survival.
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What Makes Rocks?
$225Students learn how rocks are formed and are classified into three major categories.
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What are Teeth?
$225Students learn about cavities, how they are formed and detected, plus the structure and function of different teeth.
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Does Air Help Us Float?
$225Students will learn and explore how air affects buoyancy.
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How do Rockets use Air Pressure?
$225Students will learn how air pressure can propel rockets.
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What are Animals?
$225Students learn about the differences between mammals, amphibians and reptiles.
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What are Electric Motors?
$225Students learn about the components of motors and how they work.
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What is Electricity?
$225Students study basic electric circuits.
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What is Water Made of?
$175Students explore the properties of water (H2O) and learn about the changes water undergoes in daily life.
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What Controls the Weather?
$175Students learn about the types of weather and weather measurement.
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How do Animals Adapt to Land?
$225Students learn how animals have adapted to life on land.
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How do Animals Adapt to Water?
$225Students learn how animals have adapted to life in the water.
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Do Different Animals have Different Ears?
$225Students will learn how animals have adapted to respond to sound.
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What do Animals do in the Fall?
$225Students will learn how some animals adapt to the changing seasons.
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What do Animals do in the Winter?
$225Students will learn how the season of winter affects animals.
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How do Animals live in the Sea?
$225Students will learn about vertebrates that live in the ocean.
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How do Animals live on the Seashore?
$225Students will learn about some of the different kinds of mollusks.
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Why do Animals Start as Eggs?
$225Students will learn that animals start as eggs.
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How do I apply Pressure?
$225Students will learn ways that pressure is used in daily life.
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What is Area?
$225Students will learn about area and how it affects pressure.
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What is Atmosphere?
$225Students will learn about the atmosphere and the importance of air.
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What are Atoms?
$225Students learn that atoms are the basic building blocks of anything that has mass and takes up space.
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How are Atoms and Molecules related?
$225Students will learn about atoms and molecules.
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Why are Molecules Attracted to Each Other?
$225Students will learn that water is attracted to itself.
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What Makes us Balance?
$225Students will learn to apply the concepts of gravity.
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Can we Build a Car?
$225Students will learn the role wheels play in transportation.
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Can we Build a Tower?
$225Students will learn how to build a tower.
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What is Light?
$225Students will learn that white light is composed of different wavelengths, each corresponding to a different color.
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What is the Bernoulli Effect?
$225Students will learn the effect of the Bernoulli principle.
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What do Birds do in Winter?
$225Students will learn the ways that birds survive the winter.
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What makes a Boat float?
$225Students will learn how a boatメs shape affects its ability to float.
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What is Bouncing Light?
$225Students will learn that light reflects off objects.
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How do I Build Roads and Bridges?
$225Students will be able to use blocks to build roads and bridges.
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Can we Build a Rocket?
$225Students will learn how rockets are built.
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What is Buoyancy?
$225Students will learn about the science of buoyancy.
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What is a Camera?
$225Students will learn the parts of a camera and how they function similarly to the structures/parts in eyes.
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Can we Build It with Sand or Soil?
$225Students will learn that various soils have different uses based on their properties.
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Can we Design a Building?
$225Students will learn how to create a building.
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What is the Center of Gravity?
$225Students will learn the relation between gravity and balance.
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What is a Changing State of Matter?
$225Students will learn how combining chemicals can change the states of matter.
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What are Chemical Changes?
$225Students will distinguish chemical changes from physical changes.
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What is Chromatography?
$225Students will learn how chromatography can be used to separate mixtures.
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What are Circles and Balls?
$225Students will learn about how an objectメs shape affects its rolling ability.
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Can we Classify Rocks?
$225Students will learn that rocks can be classified according to color, texture, and type.
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What are Clouds?
$225Students will learn about the four basic cloud formations.
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What are Clouds & Storms?
$225Students will learn about cloud formations and storms.
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What is the Coastal Community?
$225Students will learn about the edge of the oceans.
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What are the Colors of Bubbles?
$225Students learn that bubbles show reflections and display rainbow colors.
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What happens when we Combine Simple Machines?
$225Students will learn how simple machines are combined to make complex machines.
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What is Day and Night?
$225Students will learn how the Earthメs rotation creates day and night.
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What is Density?
$225Students will learn that density is a ratio of mass to volume.
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Can we Design New Machines?
$225Students will design and invent a complex machine.
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What are Constellations?
$225Students learn that constellations are groups of stars and how to recognize them.
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What are Detectives?
$175Students will experiment in interpreting indirect evidence.
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What are Different States of Matter?
$175Students learn about three forms of matter and how molecules change from one state to another.
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Can we Dig for Fossils?
$225Students examine fossils and learn about these records of earlier times
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What are Dinosaurs?
$225Students will learn about these extinct animals.
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What is the Displacement of Water?
$225Students will learn about the displacement of water and that water cannot be compressed.
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How Can I Dissect Complex Machines?
$225Students will learn how simple machines are combined to make complex machines.
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What is DNA?
$225Students will learn that DNA is the molecule of heredity.
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Is DNA a Polymer?
$225Students will learn that DNA is a polymer, long chains of repeating single molecules.
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How are DNA, Genes and Heredity related?
$225Students learn about the basics of genetics and molecular biology.
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Does it Fly, Walk, Swim, or Slither?
$225Students will learn to categorize vertebrate animals, and how they move from place to place.
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Does Soil Hold Water?
$225Students will learn that soils have spaces between the soil particles, which affects how water moves through the soil.
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How do Electric Motors Work?
$225Students will learn how an electric motor operates.
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How does Electricity Work?
$225Electricity is the flow of electrons (electric charge). Electricity is a form of energy obtained when electrons flow from place to place.
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How do Electromagnets Work?
$225Students will learn about electromagnets and the relation between electricity and magnetism.
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How are Energy and Motion Related?
$225Students learn about potential and kinetic energy.
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Why is Exercise so Important?
$225Students will learn how exercise affects their health.
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Why does Exercise Keep Us Healthy?
$225Students learn that regular exercise, combined with a good diet, is an important way to stay fit and healthy.
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What is Geology?
$225Students will learn about the many investigative experiments that geologists use to differentiate rocks.
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What is Filtration?
$225Students will learn how different processes can be used to separate mixtures.
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What are Earthメs Natural Resources?
$225Students will learn to identify Earth's natural resources and how humans depend on these resources for survival.
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How does an Egg become a Frog?
$225Students will learn the stages in the growth of a frog.
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What is the difference between Floating and Sinking?
$175Students will learn the difference between floating and sinking.
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What makes an object Float or Sink?
$225Students learn how the shape and weight of an object affects its buoyancy.
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What Flies Besides Airplanes?
$225Students learn about man-made aerial items other than planes.
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What is Force?
$225Students will learn that force is energy that causes or changes motion.
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What Forces are involved in Flight?
$225Students will learn other forces that affect flight.
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What Forces Affect Motion?
$225Students will learn about the forces which affect motion.
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How can we play games with Magnets?
$225Students will learn how the properties of magnets can be used in games.
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What are Gases?
$225Student will learn that gases may be produced in chemical reactions.
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What are Germs?
$225Students will learn how germs enter the body and some ways to deter germs.
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What are Gears?
$225Students will learn about gears and explore how they work.
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What is Our Solar System?
$225Students will learn the arrangement of the planets and the Sun in our solar system.
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Is Friction Fast?
$225Students will learn about friction.
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Is Gravity Constant?
$225Students will learn that gravity acts differently on different objects.
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How do Plants Grow from Seeds?
$225Students learn how plants grow.
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What are Fossils?
$225Students will learn how fossils are formed.
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What is Friction?
$225Students will learn about friction and wheels.
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How are Organisms Classified?
$225Students will explore how scientists have grouped organisms based on how closely related they are.
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How Can You Separate Colors?
$225The students will learn about separating colors.
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How do Animals Survive the Cold?
$225Students learn how winter affects animals.
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How do Plants Grow?
$175Students learn that most plants start as seeds.
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What is Harvested in the Fall?
$175Students will learn about how produce is harvested, focusing on apples.
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When is Harvest Time?
$175Students explore the signs of harvest.
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What is Hearing?
$175Students will learn how our ears hear sound.
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How have Animals Adapted Hearing?
$225Students will explore how animals have adapted to respond to sound.
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What is Heredity?
$225Students will learn that who we are is encoded in our genes.
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What is Hot and Cold?
$225Students learn about heat.
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How are Animals and Plants Different?
$225Students will learn how animals and plants are different.
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How do Bees Help Flowers?
$225Students learn that bees are important to the pollination of many plants. Pollination helps the flower to produce seeds.
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How do Different Shapes Bounce?
$225Students learn that the shape of a ball affects the way it bounces.
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How do Organisms Interact?
$225Students learn that all organisms within an ecosystem depend on other organisms for their survival.
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How do Plants and Animals Compare?
$225Students will learn how animals and plants are different.
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How Do Straws Work?
$225Students will learn that by decreasing the pressure in your mouth you increase the atmospheric pressure pushing the liquid up the straw.
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How do You Grow?
$225Students will learn how cells divide and grow.
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How Does Your Garden Grow?
$225Students will be able to relate the properties of different soil types and their ability to support the growth of certain plants.
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How Leaves Turn Color?
$225Students will understand how the red, orange and yellow colors of leaves are masked by the green.
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How Rocks are Formed?
$225Students will learn about sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rock.
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How do Straws Work?
$225Students learn how atmospheric pressure makes straws and siphons work.
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How are Tides Formed?
$225Students will learn how tides are formed.
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What is Ice, Water, Steam?
$225Students will learn the three states of water.
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What are Primary Colors?
$225Students will learn to identify, recognize and sort the primary colors.
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What are Inclined Planes?
$225Students will learn about inclined planes.
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What are Indicators?
$225Students will learn that unexpected color changes identify chemical reactions.
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What is Inside an Electric Motor?
$225Students will learn how an electric motor works.
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What is Inside the Earth?
$175Students will learn about the layers of the Earth and how new rocks are formed.
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What is Inside Your Body?
$225Students will learn about their internal body systems.
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How do I Invent Something?
$225Students will design and invent a complex machine.
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How do I Investigate Rocks?
$175Students will explore and identify the various characteristics of rocks.
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What are Knots and Nails?
$225Students learn about how knots and wedges are used to hold things together.
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What are Levers?
$225Students will learn about the first class lever.
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Why are Leaves Special?
$225Students will learn about leaves and how they can be used to identify trees.
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What are the Functions of Levers, Wedges, and Inclined Planes?
$225Students will investigate the functions of levers, wedges, and inclined planes.
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What Lives at a Pond?
$225Students will apply their knowledge regarding ponds.
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What is the Life Cycle of a Butterfly?
$225Students will learn about the changes that occur in the life cycle of butterflies.
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What is the Life Cycle of a Flowering Plant?
$225Students will understand that plants go through a life cycle.
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What Happens to Leaves in the Fall?
$225Students learn that leaves can have other colors besides green.
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How do Lenses affect Light?
$225Students will learn how lenses affect light.
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How are Lenses used in Telescopes?
$225Students learn about the principles of lenses and the components of a telescope.
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How do Shapes of Lenses affect an Image?
$225Students will learn how the shape of a lens affects an image.
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What is Vision?
$225Students will learn how our eyes see.
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How do Levers Work?
$225Students will learn about levers.
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What is the Life Cycle of a Frog?
$175Students will learn the stages in the growth of a frog.
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What is the Life Cycle of a Plant?
$175Students will learn that plants have life cycles.
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Are Rainbows Made of Light?
$225Students will learn that white light contains a rainbow of colored lights.
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How are Light and Shadows Related?
$225Students will discover the basic principles of blocking light.
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What are Light Waves?
$225Students learn that light travels in waves and is affected by the material it passes through.
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How can I Investigate a Pond?
$225Students will learn how to make and use a simple microscope to study pond life.
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What is Magnetic Separation?
$225Magnets can be used to separate mixtures of materials.
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What is Magnetism?
$225Students will learn how to magnetize a steel bolt and use it to attract a magnetic metal.
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What are the Properties of Magnets?
$225Students will learn about and explore the properties of magnets.
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How do Magnets Push and Pull?
$225Students learn how magnets can be used to repel things or attract things.
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How does Breathing Work?
$225Students will learn that breathing is an exchange of gases.
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How do Lungs Help Breathing?
$225Students learn that breathing is an exchange of gases and also how their lungs work.
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What are Magnets?
$225Students explore the properties of magnets and magnetism.
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What is Magnetic Attraction?
$225Students learn about magnetic fields and the polarity of magnets.
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What are Magnetic Fields?
$225Students learn that a magnetic field surrounds all magnets.
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What is Magnetic Polarity?
$225Students learn that each magnet has 2 opposite poles.
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How do we Magnify Cells?
$175Students will learn how microscopes and magnifying glasses enable scientists to see microscopic cells.
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How do we Make Crystals?
$175Students will experiment in creating crystals.
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How does Mass Affect Motion?
$175Students will learn that the mass of an object affects its motion.
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What are the Effects of Medium on Light?
$175Students will learn that the medium light travels through affects the image.
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What Properties are used to Identify Metals?
$175Students will learn about the properties that are used to identify metals.
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How do Microscopes and Telescopes Work?
$225Students will learn how microscopes and telescopes work.
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How do Mirrors Affect Light?
$225Students will learn about the basics of lights and reflection.
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How do Colors Mix?
$225Students will learn that the primary colors can be mixed to make other colors.
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How do Molecules Mix?
$225Students will understand how solutions differ from other mixtures.
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What Makes Up Matter?
$225Students wll learn that all matter is made of molecules.
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What are Molecules?
$225Students will learn about molecules.
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How do Molecules React?
$225Students will learn how molecules take part in chemical reactions.
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What is a Monomer?
$225Students will learn that monomers are made of single molecules.
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What are Levers and Wheels?
$225Students will learn about more kinds of levers and wheels.
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What is Natural Succession?
$225Students learn that through time natural succession occurs and the plants that inhabit ponds and wetlands eventually change to larger plants (trees), and become forests.
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Where Do Nutrients Come From?
$225Students will learn that foods contain nutrients that the body needs to grow and stay healthy.
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What is Nutrition?
$225Students will learn about the main food groups.
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What Influences Ocean Travel?
$225Students will learn about factors that influence ocean voyaging.
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How do Atoms form Molecules?
$225Students will learn how atoms combine to form molecules.
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What Role does Our Sun Play in Our Solar System?
$225Students learn that we receive light energy from the Sun. Students learn how the Sun's shadow can be used to tell time.
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What is Our Solar System?
$225Students learn that our solar system is the planets that orbit our Sun.
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What are Ocean Vertebrates?
$175Students will learn about vertebrates that live in the ocean.
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What are the Properties of the Ocean?
$175Students will learn about properties of the ocean.
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How do Optics & Mirrors Affect Images?
$175Students learn how mirrors, light, and objects allow us to see images.
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How do our Body Parts Affect Our Bodies?
$175Students learn about their bodies and the roles of some important body parts.
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What is the Relationship Between Our Earth and Our Moon?
$225Students learn about the relationship between our Earth and Moon.
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What Causes the Changes in Our Moon?
$225Students learn that the monthly changes in the Moonメs appearance are related to the orbit of the Moon around the Earth.
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What are the Relationships Between Our Sense of Smell and Taste?
$225Students will learn and understand the relationship between smell and taste.
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What is Our Sense of Touch?
$225Students will learn the sense of touch.
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What is Our Star?
$225Students learn that the Sun is a star at the center of our universe.
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What is Our Skin?
$225Students will investigate their skin.
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What is Paleontology?
$225Students will learn about the study of extinct animals.
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What are Percussion Instruments?
$225Students will learn how sounds are produced in percussion instruments.
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What are Phase Changes?
$225Students will learn the properties of phases and how phases change.
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What are the Physical Changes of Matter?
$225Students will learn the physical changes of matter.
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What are the Physical Changes of Water?
$225Students will learn the physical changes that water molecules undergo as they transition into different physical states.
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What Allows Planes To Fly?
$225Students will apply the Bernoulli effect to paper planes.
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What are the Different Parts of Planet Earth?
$225Students will learn about the different parts of our world.
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What are the Properties of Planets?
$225Students will learn distinctive properties of each planet.
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What are some Plant Adaptations to Different Land Habitats?
$225Students learn how plants have adapted to life on land.
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What are the Plants of the Seashore?
$225Students will learn about plants that live in and by the sea.
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How does Pollution Affect our Ecosystem?
$225Students learn that pollution, caused by humans, affects our natural ecosystems.
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What are Polymers?
$225Students will learn that polymers are long chains of repeating units.
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What is Pressure?
$225Students will learn about the effects of pressure.
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What are Primary Colors?
$225Students will learn the three primary colors.
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What are some Plant Adaptations to Water Habitats?
$175Students learn how plants have adapted to life in the water.
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What are the Parts and Functions of Plants?
$175Students will learn about the three main parts of a plant and their functions.
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What are the Differences Between Plants and Animals?
$175Students will learn the parts of plants and how they are different from animals.
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What Happens to Plants in the Winter?
$225Students will learn that some plants need a resting time in winter to bloom in the spring.
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What are the Properties of Air?
$225Students will learn several properties of air.
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What are the Properties of Light?
$225Students will discover how light travels through different materials.
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What are the Properties of Magnets?
$225Students will learn the basic properties of magnets.
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What are the Properties of Water?
$225Students learn that water is essential for life.
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What are Pulleys?
$225Students will learn that a pulley is a simple machine consisting of a wheel with a grooved rim in which a pulled rope can run to pull a weight.
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What is the Push and Pull of Magnets?
$225Students will be able to use magnets to attract and repel other magnets and magnetic metals.
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What is a Rainbow?
$225Students will learn the colors of the rainbow and how rainbows are made.
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What is the Relationship of Rainbows and Light?
$225Students will learn that white light contains a rainbow of colors.
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What is Recycling?
$225Students will learn the various steps in recycling.
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How can we Reduce Household Garbage?
$225Students learn to reduce the amount of garbage they generate.
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What is Reflection and Refraction?
$225Students learn that light can be reflected and refracted by different materials.
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Why do Rockets Need Energy?
$225Students learn why rockets need energy.
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What is the relationship Between Rocks & Minerals?
$225Students will learn that Rocks are made up of one or more minerals.
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How do Wheels and Axles Work?
$225Students learn about how wheels and axles are used in vehicles.
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What are Seasonal Changes?
$225Students will learn why it becomes warmer during spring.
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What are Rainforest Animals?
$175Students learn the life of a tadpole is fragile.
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What are the Resources of a Rainforest?
$225Students learn that many of the food products and other materials they use every day come from rainforests.
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What is the Wood of the Rainforest?
$225Students will learn that wood comes from plants.
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What are Simple Machines?
$225Students will learn more about simple machines and how they work.
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How do Seeds Grow into Plants?
$225Students will learn about seeds and the rebirth of plants.
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How do Our Senses and Our Nerve Cells Work?
$225Students will learn that the nervous system carries information from our environment to our brain.
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How do We Separate and Purify Mixtures?
$225Students will learn how different processes can be used to separate mixtures.
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How do we Separate Mixtures?
$225Students will explore how mixtures can be separated into their components.
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How do We Separate Solutions?
$225Students will learn that different solutions can be separated by different procedures.
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What are Color Variations?
$225Students will learn about color variation.
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What is the Ecology of the Shoreline?
$225Students will learn about the edge of the oceans.
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How do Our Eyes Bring Images to Our Brain?
$225Students will learn how our eyes bring images to our brain.
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What are the Signs of Spring?
$225Students learn the parts of a plant and the role played by each.
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What are Simple Mixtures?
$225Students will learn the properties of mixtures.
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How do we Separate Mixtures By Size?
$225Students will learn how mixtures can be separated by size.
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What is the Relationship Between Smell and Taste?
$225Students will learn about the relationship between smell and taste.
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What is the Structure of Snow in Winter?
$225Students learn about snow and ice in the winter and that snowflakes are crystals.
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Where is Air?
$225Students will learn that air exerts a pressure and that pressure varies.
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What is Soil?
$225Students will learn about soil and aeration.
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What is the Relationship between Soil & Worms?
$175Students will learn how worms help to release nutrients in the soil.
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What are the differences Between Solids, Liquids and Gases?
$175Students will learn to identify the three states of matter.
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What are Solutions?
$225Students will learn that solutions are uniform mixtures.
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What are Sound Waves?
$225Students will learn that sound travels as sound waves.
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What are Special Mixtures?
$225Students will explore mixtures with molecular attraction.
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What is Spiral Science?
$225Students learn about inclined planes and screws.
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What are Stars?
$225Students will learn that stars are masses of hot, illuminating gases and how to use a compass to locate them.
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What makes a Material Sticky?
$225Students learn what properties make materials sticky.
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What is Adhesion and Cohesion?
$225Students learn about adhesion and cohesion
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What is Friction?
$225Students will learn how the surface affects friction which affects movement.
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What are Storms?
$225Students will learn about different storms.
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How do String Instruments Conduct Sound?
$225Students will learn how sounds vary in string instruments.
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How do Sundials Tell Time?
$225Students learn how the Sun's shadow can be used to tell time.
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How does the Sunlight Keeps Us Warm?
$225Students learn how sunlight heats our Earth.
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What are the States of Water Molecules?
$225Students learn that water can be found in three states of matter and explore how it changes states.
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What is Static Electricity?
$225Students will learn what static electricity is and how it is created.
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What is Surface Tension?
$225Students will learn that surface tension is a モskinヤ on the surface of liquids.
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How do Organisms Survive?
$225Students learn that all organisms within an ecosystem depend on their environment for survival.
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What are the Properties of Air?
$225Students will learn some of the properties of several gases.
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How are Animals Classified in the Animal Kingdom?
$175Students will learn that there are many different kinds of animals, and animals are classified into two major categories, invertebrates and vertebrates.
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What is the Science of Sand?
$175Students will learn what sand is made of , how it is made, and what it is used for. Different types of sand are explored.
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What are the Stages of Development of a Butterfly?
$225Students will experience firsthand the various stages in the development of a butterfly.
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What is the Life of a Buzzing Bee?
$225Students will learn about bees.
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What is the Center of Gravity?
$225Students learn the relationship between balance and gravity.
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What are the Different States of Matter?
$225Students will learn to identify the three states of matter.
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How do we know the Earth is Round?
$225Students will learn how we know that the Earth is round.
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What is the Earthメs Orbit?
$225Students will learn that the Earth orbits around the Sun in an annual cycle.
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What is the Earthメs Tilt?
$225Student will learn that the seasonal changes are due to the tilt of the Earth and its revolution around the Sun.
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What is the Earth’s Rotation?
$225Students will learn how Earthメs rotation causes day and night to occur.
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What is Gravity?
$225Students will learn that gravity is the force that pulls objects to the center of the Earth.
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What are the Forces of Gravity?
$225Students explore the properties of gravitational forces.
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What are the Characteristics of the Human Body?
$225Students will learn to detect distinguishing characteristics of themselves and others.
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What is Land?
$225Students will learn about the land on the Earth.
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What is Paleontology?
$225Students discover the science of paleontology.
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What are the Primary Colors?
$225Students learn to identify the primary colors.
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What is the Law of Inertia?
$225Students will learn that objects do not move unless acted on by a force and objects in motion remain in motion unless acted on by a push or pull.
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What is the Life Cycle of a Frog?
$225Students will learn the stages in the growth of a frog.
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What is the Moon?
$225Students will learn about our Moon and its surface.
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What is the Moonメs Orbit?
$225Students learn that the monthly changes in the Moon's appearance are related to the orbit of the Moon around the Earth.
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What is the Nervous System?
$225Students will learn about their internal body systems.
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What are the Planets in Our Solar System?
$225Students will learn the arrangement of the planets and the Sun in our solar system.
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What is Atmospheric Pressure?
$225Students learn about atmospheric pressure.
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What is the Power of Pulleys?
$225Students learn about fixed and movable pulleys.
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What are the Primary Colors of Light?
$225Students will learn that red, blue and green are the primary colors of light.
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What is the Pull of Gravity?
$225The students will learn that the force of gravity pulls everything down.
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What are the Plants and Animals of the Rocky Intertidal Zone?
$225Students will explore how tides affect plant and animal life at the seashore.
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What is the Environment of Rocky Intertidal Zone?
$225Students will learn about the environment of the intertidal zone.
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What is the Salt Marsh?
$225Students will understand the adaptations organisms have gone through to survive in salt and fresh water.
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Why do Leaves Change Color in Autumn?
$225Students will understand why leaves turn color and fall off trees in the fall.
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What is the Science of Bubbles?
$225Students experiment with different properties of soap bubbles.
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What is the Science of Chemistry?
$225Students explore the evidence of a chemical change.
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What is the Science of Color?
$225Students discover the effects of mixing and separating colors.
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What are the Primary Colors?
$225Students will learn to identify, recognize and sort the primary colors.
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How are Crystals a part of our Daily Life?
$225Students learn about crystals that are a part of their daily life.
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What is the Science of Crystals?
$225Students will learn about actual crystals.
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What allows Planes to Fly?
$225Students will learn what keeps planes in the air.
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What is Bernoulli’s Principle?
$225Students learn how Bernoulli's principle gives planes lift.
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What are the Properties of Inertia?
$175Students learn and explore the properties of inertia.
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What is the Science of Inertia?
$175Students will learn that objects do not move unless they are acted on by a force and that objects in motion remain in motion unless acted on by a push or a pull.
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What is the Science of Kaleidoscopes?
$175Students learn how mirrors, light, and objects allow us to see images in a kaleidoscope.
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What is the Science of Polymers?
$225Students learn about the effects of changing variables, illustrated by changing the proportion ratios of ingredients in solutions to make polymers.
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What is the Science of Shells?
$225Students learn how different shells are made and classified.
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What are the Properties of Snow?
$225Students will learn about the properties of snow.
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What is the Science of Solutions?
$225Students experiment to find out which common substances will mix.
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What is the Science of Sound?
$225Students learn different sounds all depend on vibrations.
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What are the Parts of a Plant?
$225Students learn the basic parts of plants.
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Why is it Cold in Winter?
$225Students will learn how to measure the cold weather of winter.
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What are the Characteristics of the Season of Fall?
$225Students learn about the changing of the seasons from summer to fall.
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What is the Science of Static Electricity?
$225Students experiment with the forces of static electricity.
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What is the Science of Surface Tension?
$225Students explore the force of surface tension.
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What is the Science of Telescopes?
$225Students will learn how telescopes allow us to see objects that are far away.
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What is the Science of the Kaleidoscope?
$225Students learn the components of a kaleidoscope and how multiple mirrors project images.
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What is the Science of the Periscope?
$225Students will learn about the basics of optics and mirrors.
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What Role do Wheels Play in Transportation?
$225Students will learn the role wheels play in transportation.
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How do Plants and Animals Prepare for Winter?
$225Students learn how plants and animals prepare and adjust for the winter.
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What are Secondary Colors?
$225Students will learn that primary colors can be combined to create other colors.
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What is the Sense of Touch?
$175Students will learn about the sense of touch and how we use it.
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How does the Sun Gives Us Light?
$225Students learn that we receive light from the Sun.
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How does the Sun Keeps Us Warm?
$225Students learn how sunlight heats our Earth.
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What is Water?
$225Students will learn about the water that makes up part of the Earth.
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What is the Water Cycle?
$225Students will learn that water moves in a cycle through our Earth's land and atmosphere.
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What are the Parts of a Flower?
$225Students learn the parts of a flower and the role each one plays.
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How are Volcanoes Formed?
$225Students discover how volcanoes are formed,
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What are the Wonders of the Ocean?
$225Students learn about the animals and plants that live in the ocean.
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What are the Animals of the World?
$225Students will learn that there are many different kinds of animals.
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What are the Components of a Computer?
$225Students are introduced to the components of a computer and how it works.
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What are the Dangers of Tobacco?
$225Students will learn what dangerous chemicals are and how they affect their health.
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How do Telescopes Allow us to See Objects Far Away?
$225Students will learn how telescopes allow us to see objects that are far away.
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What are the changes that Occur in Trees in Fall?
$225Students learn about the parts of a tree and the changes that occur in the fall.
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What are some Vertebrate Undersea Life?
$225Students will learn about vertebrates that live in the ocean.
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What is Velcro?
$225Students will learn about Velcro and how it works.
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What are the Different Types of Trees?
$225Students will understand the differences between deciduous trees and evergreens.
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What are Vibrations?
$225Students will learn that sound requires vibrations.
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What are the Limits of Our Vision?
$225Students will learn about limits to their vision.
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What Makes Up Volcanoes?
$225Students will learn the relationship between magma and lava. They will learn what igneous rocks are and that they come from volcanoes.
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How does Volume and Shape Affect Floating?
$225Students will learn how volume and shape affect floating.
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What Happens to Water in Winter?
$225Students will be able to identify what happens to water when it is cold outside.
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What are the Forms of Water Found in Winter?
$225Students will be able to identify the forms of water found in winter.
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How can Water Pressure Be Used to Propel Rockets?
$225Students learn how water pressure can be used to propel rockets
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How does Water Shape Earthメs Surface?
$225Students will learn that the flow of water shapes the Earth's surface.
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What are Our Five Senses?
$225Students will learn that we have five senses that give us information about our environment.
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How do our Ears Hear Sound?
$225Students will learn how our ears hear sound.
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What is the Difference Between Weather & Climate?
$225Students will learn about the difference between weather and climate.
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What are Some Common Weather instruments?
$225Students will learn about instruments scientists use to predict the weather.
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What are Adaptations?
$225Students will learn that animals adapt to survive.
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What Affects Weather?
$225Students learn about the four factors that affect weather ヨ wind, water, air pressure and temperature.
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What are Complex Machines?
$225Students will design and invent a complex machine.
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What are Hands and Feet for?
$225Students explore how hands and feet are adapted to different needs.
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What are Magnets?
$225Students will learn the basics of magnetism, including which materials are attracted by magnets.
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What are Materials?
$225Students will learn the classic properties of materials.
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What are Molecules?
$225Students will learn what molecules are.
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What are Seeds?
$225Students will learn about seeds.
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What are Shapes are used to Design a Building?
$225Students will learn about the different shapes.
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What are Shapes?
$225Students will learn to identify the basic shapes of a circle, triangle, square, and rectangle.
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What are the Parts of a Plant?
$225Students learn to identify the parts of a plant and how plants use each part. Students also learn that water and sunlight are necessary for a healthy plant.
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What do Animals Need to Live?
$225Students will learn that animals need air, water, food, and shelter to live.
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What do Plants Need to Grow?
$225Students learn that plants need water and light to grow.
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What Holds Us Up
$225Students learn what would happen if we didn't have bones to hold us up.
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What is a Bubble?
$225Students will learn the materials a bubble is made out of and that all soaps make bubbles.
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What is inside a Bubble?
$225Students learn that bubbles are formed by an outer covering over a gas.
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What is a Cell?
$225Students will learn that cells are the basic units of all living organisms.
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What is a Flowering Plant?
$225Students learn that plants have distinct parts which have specific functions.
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What is a Lens?
$225Students will learn the properties of lenses.
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What is a Life Cycle?
$225Students learn that all organisms have a life cycle.
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What is a Magnet?
$225Students will learn that magnets can be different shapes and sizes, and that a magnet will stick to certain materials.
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What is a Rainforest?
$225Students learn what rainforests are and the role they play in the Earthメs ecosystem.
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What is Animal Adaptation to Vision?
$225Students learn that animals adapt different vision techniques to survive.
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What is Adaptation?
$225Students will learn that animals adapt to survive.
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What is Alternative Energy?
$225Students will learn about alternative energy sources.
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What is an Animal?
$225Students will learn that there are many different kinds of animals, and animals are classified into two major categories, invertebrates and vertebrates.
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What is an Ecosystem?
$225Students will learn that an ecosystem is the interaction of living organisms with their physical environment.
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What is Astronomy?
$225Students will learn about planets, stars, celestial objects, space, and the physical universe.
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What is Conservation?
$225Students will learn to identify Earth's natural resources and how humans depend on these resources for survival.
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What is Ecology?
$225Students will learn that ecology is the interaction of living organisms with their physical environment.
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What is Force?
$225Students learn that forces (pushes and pulls) affect the motion of objects.
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What is a Ball Made of?
$225Students learn that the material a ball is made of determines how well it bounces.
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What is Light?
$225Students will discover how light travels through different materials.
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What is Nutrition?
$225Students will learn how to choose a healthy meal with the help of the US governmentメs Food Plate.
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What is Soil?
$225Students will learn to distinguish different types of soil and to measure particle and pore sizes in various sand and soil samples.
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What is the Solar System
$225Students learn the components of the solar system.
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What is Weather?
$225Students learn about the types of weather.
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What Lives in a Pond?
$225Students will learn what types of plants and animals live in a pond.
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What Makes a Ball Bounce
$225Students learn about the properties that affect how a ball bounces.
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What Makes a Year?
$225Students will learn why we experience a yearly cycle.
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What Makes Me Healthy?
$225Students learn about the new food plate and making healthy choices.
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How Does the Earth Move to Make the Changing of the Seasons?
$225Students learn about rotation, revolution, and the tilting of the earth.
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What Makes the Changing Seasons?
$225Students will learn why seasons change.
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What Makes up the Weather?
$225Students will learn about and be able to identify the factors that make up the weather.
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What Makes You You?
$225Students will learn to detect distinguishing characteristics of themselves and others.
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What Shape is a Bubble?
$225Students learn that bubbles are spherical in shape, regardless of the shape of the frame used to create them.
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What Shape Makes the Best Wheel?
$225Students will learn the role wheels play in transportation.
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What is the function of Wheels, Pulleys, and Gears?
$225Students will investigate the function of wheels, pulleys, and gears.
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Where Does Food Go?
$225Students learn about the digestive tract and why food is important to our bodies.
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Where do Animals Live?
$225Students will learn about the different environments animals live in.
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Where Does Garbage Go?
$225Students will learn to recognize the problems associated with an over-abundance of trash.
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Where Does our Food Go?
$225Students learn about the organs in our digestive system.
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Why do Flowers Grow?
$225Students learn that a large variety of plants have flowers, including grasses and trees.
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Why does it Move?
$225Students learn that forces (pushes and pulls) affect the motion of objects.
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Why is it Cold Outside in the Winter?
$225Students learn to identify the season of winter and what kind of coverings keep us warm.
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Why is it Cold Outside?
$225Students will learn to identify the season of winter and what kinds of outer coverings keep us warm.
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Why is the Sky Blue?
$225Students learn how scattered light can generate different colors.
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Why Leaves Turn Colors in the Fall?
$225Students learn the parts of a tree and why trees lose leaves in the season.
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Why the Sky is Blue?
$225Students learn how scattered light can generate different colors.
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Why We Have Different Seasons
$225Students learn that seasonal changes are due to the tilt of the Earth and its revolution around the Sun.
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Will it Bounce?
$225Students learn what makes a ball bounce and why some balls do not bounce.
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Will it Float?
$225Students will learn that whether or not something floats depends on its shape and what material it is made of.
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Will it Roll?
$225Students learn that shape affects the way a ball rolls.
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How Are Different Seashores Formed?
$225Students will learn how different seashores are formed.
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What is Digestion?
$225Students will learn the role that the stomach plays in digestion.
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How Do We Interact With the Ocean?
$225Students learn about how we interact with the ocean.
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What is Different Between Plants and Animals?
$225Students learn what is different between plants and animals.
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How are Animals Sorted into Different Groups?
$225Students learn how are animals sorted into different groups.
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What are the Basic Parts of the Human Body?
$225Students learn what are the basic parts of the human body.
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How do Animals Change over Time?
$225Students learn how animals change over time.
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What is the Life Cycle of a Butterfly?
$225Students learn what is the life cycle of a butterfly.
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What Types of Shelters do Animals use?
$225Students learn what types of shelters animals use.
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What Foods do Animals Eat?
$225Students learn what foods animals eat.
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Why is Water Important for Animals?
$225Students learn why water is Important for animals.
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What Makes a Car Move?
$225Students learn what makes a car move.
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How can we Design a Car to go Farther?
$225Students learn how to design a car to go farther.
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What is a Magnetic Material?
$225Students learn what is a magnetic material.
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What Materials will Bounce?
$225Students learn what materials will bounce.
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What Makes a Bubble?
$225Students learn what makes a bubble.
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What is Weather?
$225Students learn all about the basics of our weather.
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Do Flowers Need Rain to Grow?
$225Students learn that flowers need rain to grow.
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How does Water Affect Land?
$225Students learn how water affects land.
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Does Water Mix with Sand or Dirt?
$225Students learn what happens when water combines with sands or soils.
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Can we Build a House?
$225Students learn what materials are used to build a house.
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What Material will Keep us Warm?
$225Students learn what material will keep us warm.
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Can we Make our Own Goop?
$225Students learn how to make their own form of goop.
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Can you make your own Volcano?
$225Students learn how to make their own volcano.
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Can you make your own Rock Collection?
$225Students learn how to make their own rock collection.
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Can you make your own magnet?
$225Students learn how to make their own magnets.
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Can you make your own shell collection?
$225Students learn how to make their own shell collections.
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Can we Code a Website?
$225Students learn how to code a website.
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How to Code a Robot to Move?
$225Students learn how to code a robot to move.
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Can we Build a Computer Game?
$225Students learn how to code a computer game.
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How do Computers Work?
$225Students learn how computers work.
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Can we Code an APP?
$225Students learn how to code an APP.
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What are Primary Colors?
$225Students learn the primary colors.
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How are Rainbows Made?
$225Students learn how rainbows are made.
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How do Colors Mix?
$225Students learn how colors mix.
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Can we Separate Colors?
$225Students learn how to separate colors.
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Can we Design & Build a Game?
$225Students learn how to design & build a game.
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How Do Our Eyes Work?
$225Students will learn how their eyes work.
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What is a Computer?
$225Students learn the parts of a computer and how each functions.
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How do I apply Buoyancy?
$225Students will learn ways buoyancy is used.
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How does Sunlight Makes Day and Night?
$225Students learn that the light of the Sun and the rotation of the Earth causes day and night.
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What is Absorption of Light?
$225Students learn that materials absorb different colors of light energy.
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