Our Curriculum exceeds all state and national standards.
Little to Great Scientists® Curriculum Units utilize innovative Hands-on, Minds-on, Inquiry & Practice-Based science experiments that are proven to increase students’ understanding of scientific concepts.

Our curriculum units are designed to exceed all 3 Dimensions in the Next Generation Science Standards and all Early Childhood Educational & Developmental Standards.

Kindergarten Units

First Grade Units

Second Grade Units

Third Grade Units

Fourth Grade Units

Fifth Grade Units

Sixth Grade Units

Seventh Grade Units

Eighth Grade Units

Little Scientists® Curriculum Units

Specific for students in PreK through 2nd grades

Great Scientists® Curriculum Units

Specific for students in 3rd through 8th grades

Little Scientists® Curriculum Units

Specific for students in PreK through 2nd grades

Science & Engineering PracticesCrosscutting ConceptsDisciplinary Core IdeasPre-Kindergarten
3 years old
4 years old
KindergartenFirst GradeSecond Grade
Asking questions & defining problemsPatternsPhysical ScienceWill it Roll?

What are the Primary Colors?
What is a Magnet?

Will it Bounce?

How Do Colors Mix?

Will it Float?

What is a Bubble?
What is a Force?What are Magnets?

What is Sound?

What is Light?
What is Gravity?

What are Materials?
Developing & using modelsCausation
Planning & carrying out investigationsScaleLife ScienceWhat is a Plant?

What is an Animal?
Why Do Leaves Fall?

What Makes Me Healthy?
What are Animals?

What are my 5 Senses?

What is an Ecosystem?
What are Plants?

What is Healthy?

What are Life Cycles?
Life Cycle of Plants

What is Diversity?
Analyzing & interpreting dataSystems
Using mathematics & computational thinkingEnergyEarth & Space ScienceWhat is Water?

What is Sand?
Why is it Cold Outside?

Why Do Flowers Grow?
What is Weather?

What is Our Planet Earth?
What is Our Sun?How does Water Affect Weather?

What are Landforms?
Constructing explanations & designing solutions
Engaging in argument from evidenceStructure & FunctionEngineering Technology & Application of ScienceWhat are Shapes?Can We Build It?What are Engineers?What is Engineering?
Obtaining, evaluating, & communicating informationStability & Change

Great Scientists® Curriculum Units

Specific for students in 3rd through 8th grades

Science & Engineering PracticesCrosscutting ConceptsDisciplinary Core IdeasThird GradeFourth GradeFifth GradeSixth GradeSeventh GradeEighth Grade
Asking questions & defining problemsPatternsPhysical ScienceWhat are Properties of Magnets?

Force & Motion

What is Chemistry
What is Energy?

Light & Sound
What is Gravity?

What are Chemicals?
What is Alternative Energy?

What is the Structure & Properties of Matter?

Forces & Interactions
Electricity & Magnetism

Motion & Forces

Developing & using modelsCausation
Planning & carrying out investigationsScaleLife SciencePlants & Animals

What is Heredity?

What is Evolution?
What are Senses?

What are the Structures of Organisms?
What is Energy Flow in an Ecosystem?What are Animal Adaptations?

What is DNA, Cells, & Heredity?

Heredity & Genetics

Biological Evolution
Analyzing & interpreting dataSystems
Using mathematics & computational thinkingEnergyEarth & Space ScienceWhat is Climate?

Rocks & Minerals
How can we Protect Earth’s Resources?

Weather & Climate

Why do we have Changing Season?
What is Weather?

What is Our Planet Earth?
What is Weather & Climate?Earth’s SystemOur Earth in the Solar System

What Makes the Changing Seasons?
Constructing explanations & designing solutions
Engaging in argument from evidenceStructure & FunctionEngineering Technology & Application of ScienceWhat is Innovative Engineering?What are Engineers?What is Engineering Design?Engineering Design ProcessBuilding Bridges and the Iterative Design Cycle
Obtaining, evaluating, & communicating informationStability & Change

Curriculum Program Highlights:

  • Curriculum units are packaged in sturdy stackable plastic totes.
  • Each curriculum unit consists of 4 related science topics. There are 14-20 hands-on, minds-on inquiry and practice-based investigations in each unit.
  • The materials are all “bagged and tagged” together and labeled with the alpha numeric label that corresponds with the Teacher Manual.
  • Teacher Manuals are user-friendly, scripted, readily identifying step-by-step which bag of materials should be used. The manuals include background information, scripted lesson plans, written and inquiry-based task assessments, and literacy resources.
  • Each lesson includes a Home-School Connection Booklet summarizing the lesson and providing extension activities & experiments.
  • Science Notebooks are included so that the teachers can easily track student progress for each lesson conducted.


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