
Our Pre-Kindergarten Curriculum engages all young children as natural scientists.
Click on the Curriculum Unit or Science Experiment Bag tabs below for detailed descriptions of our Little to Great Scientists® Early Childhood Curriculum options.
The goal of Little to Great Scientists® is to excite all children about the world of science, using innovative educational techniques. Coupling interactive projects, entertaining demonstrations and simple experiments with children’s natural curiosity, Little to Great Scientists® introduces children to the thrill of scientific discovery.
We seek to convert a child’s natural curiosity into a solid foundation of scientific skills and practices. Little to Great Scientists® programs are easily sustainable and teachable for all early childhood classrooms. All our lessons are inquiry-based, teacher friendly and age appropriate aligning with all state and national early childhood Science Standards.
Curriculum Program Highlights:
- Curriculum units are packaged in sturdy stackable plastic totes.
- Each curriculum unit consists of 4 related science topics. There are 14-20 hands-on, minds-on inquiry and practice-based investigations in each unit.
- The materials are all “bagged and tagged” together and labeled with the alpha numeric label that corresponds with the Teacher Manual.
- Teacher Manuals are user-friendly, scripted, readily identifying step-by-step which bag of materials should be used. The manuals include background information, scripted lesson plans, written and inquiry-based task assessments, and literacy resources.
- Each lesson includes a Home-School Connection Booklet summarizing the lesson and providing extension activities & experiments.
- Science Notebooks are included so that the teachers can easily track student progress for each lesson conducted.